Cancer Care During COVID-19 - SPARSH Hospital

Published in : COVID-19 Oncology | May 3, 2021 |

Cancer Care Tips During Coronavirus

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The coronavirus pandemic has shown us that cancer care requires vigilance and prudence now more than ever. Even though there are some treatments available for cancer, even the mention of it causes worry to most. In these tough times, it has become pivotal to ensure care for cancer patients.

There is no doubt that during the current coronavirus pandemic, even people with strong immune systems are suffering and finding it hard to cope up with the symptoms and effects of the virus. A disease like cancer can weaken one’s immune system, especially after courses of radiation therapy. The facts can be overwhelming when it comes to cancer patients and coronavirus, but taking proper precautions to avoid being affected by the virus and staying mentally strong can help lessen the risk.

For people with blood cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, urological cancer, oesophageal cancer, or any other cancer, the chances of surviving a coronavirus infection are minimal. They are more prone to the risk of exposure to the virus than the average person – especially the recently diagnosed cancer patients, who require priority care now more than ever. Their immune systems, once affected by the virus, may stand at a dreary state, where it would not be enough to fight the virus alone.

In such a situation, there should be a proper checklist of cancer care tips to ensure their safety and proper protection. While hygiene and social distancing are at utmost priority, there are other crucial measures and tips to be implemented for the safety of cancer patients.

The Government of India declared vaccines to be available for all above the age of 18+, starting May 1. There certainly are some rumours about the effectiveness of vaccines, but the government contradicts every rumour and has given a green signal to everyone, even patients with past medical conditions like cancer.

However, it is best to consult your oncologist before taking the vaccine since, in certain conditions, a vaccine may have adverse side effects. Besides getting vaccinated, caregivers should take mandatory precautionary measures along with taking extra care tips for cancer patients.

So with the reference to the quote, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” we shall begin to list 10 cancer care tips necessary for caregivers as well as 10 cancer care Tips mandatory for cancer patients that should be adopted and taken into consideration in these times.


10 cancer care tips mandatory for caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. A caregiver should be more alert in terms of the safety of his own as well as the cancer patient’s. Exercise, a healthy diet and proper sleep should be adopted for stronger immunity.
  2. Limit the contact with the cancer patient. Staying in the same home can lead to regular contact which can increase the chance of spreading the virus. Try to contact them with gloves, double masking and sanitiser even while living within the same home.
  3. Wash your hands before touching your mouth or nose or after sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose, etc.
  4. Always wash your hands before making contact with cancer patients or entering their room.
  5. Clean doorknobs, railings, kitchen shelves, remote controls, and mobile phones with a house disinfectant to ensure proper disinfection.
  6. Use an oncologist’s recommended soaps, sanitisers and disinfectants to clean your hands and home properly.
  7. Regular consultations and appointments should be done with the oncologist. These can be done over the phone or online through virtual meeting platforms.
  8. A caregiver should accompany cancer patients for their treatment schedule as per the oncologist’s advice. Remember: some hospitals may not allow the caregiver’s entry; so be prepared to be flexible as per the situation.
  9. After coming home, the first step should be washing hands with soap and water. Then sanitize everything you brought back home like your wallet, rings, purse, mobile phones, etc.
  10. Always maintain a distance of 6 feet while talking to a cancer patient. Masks should be an utmost priority while talking.

Meanwhile, care for cancer patients should be of the utmost superiority for the cancer patient himself. Certain care tips should be followed by a cancer patient to ensure good immunity and safety in this pandemic environment. Given below are 10 cancer care tips for cancer patients to adopt for their safety.

10 cancer care tips mandatory for a cancer patient during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Make sanitizers your best friend. Be it working on computers, calling via phone, or eating food, you must not forget to sanitize your hands and the belongings surrounding you.
  2. Going out is a strong ‘no’ for cancer patients. Even the family members should try to limit their going out or if it’s necessary, then with stringent precautions. Try to stay home as much as possible.
  3. Even if you have to travel out for appointments or a treatment schedule, wear protective gloves, masks and safety helmets before going out.
  4. A regular rich diet intake including fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, etc. for stronger immunity is advisable.
  5. Try to avoid negative news about COVID-19 cases and keep yourself positive for challenging situations.
  6. Practice meditation every morning to relax your mind and body.
  7. Try to inculcate 10-15 minutes of brisk walking or exercise to build strength and endurance.
  8. Avoid meeting any relatives, friends or neighbours under any circumstances. You might not know who bears the virus and can potentially pass it to you.
  9. Do not underestimate the power of good and sound 7-9 hours of sleep. It rebuilds your immune system and strengthens your muscles for better functioning.
  10. Your emotional strength is your biggest weapon. Practice gratefulness, optimism, satisfaction, agility and self-talk.

Remember: This too, shall pass. Nothing is permanent.

At SPARSH Hospital, we believe in being safe and careful before the disease affects you. SPARSH Hospital sparks a touch of life in every patient’s life by watching out for them as and when needed. With the help of our proficient team of oncologists, SPARSH Hospital takes command of taking care of cancer patients and ensuring the best safety and health conditions in these challenging times. With the second wave blowing up, doctors and nurses at SPARSH mandate precautionary measures and rigorous rule policies for safeguarding the health of the patients. While it may not be advisable to depend entirely on home care methods exclusively in the case of cancer patients, caregivers should focus equally on getting the best doctor’s recommendations, that we provide at SPARSH Hospital.

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