Significance of World Cancer Day - SPARSH Hospital

Published in : Oncology | February 4, 2022 |

What Is World Cancer Day And Its Importance

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World Cancer Day is celebrated across the globe on the 4th of February to raise awareness among the general public regarding Cancer. The World Cancer Day also aims at inculcating compassion within people towards the ones fighting this life altering disease.

In the twenty-first century, cancer awareness has become extremely important. Despite major breakthroughs in cancer understanding, diagnosis, and treatment—factors that should contribute to the disease’s decline—the number of new cancer cases identified each year has continued to rise around the world. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 40% of cancer-related fatalities can be avoided. As a result, boosting cancer prevention awareness has become a top priority for many cancer and health organisations around the world, and World Cancer Day has become an annual reminder of how important this goal is.

Objectives of the World Cancer Day

  • Raising cancer awareness and eliminating the stigma and fear attached to it.
  • Assist patients in recognising the early signs and symptoms of cancer, allowing them to seek treatment sooner.
  • Educating people on the major risk factors, as more than 30% of cancer cases could be avoided by changing one’s lifestyle or avoiding the risk factors.
  • To make people aware of the significance of regular screenings and check-ups.

Importance of the World Cancer Day

The major goal of the day is to increase awareness about the disease and to minimise the social stigma connected with it. Cancer is the world’s second largest cause of death. Lung, breast, cervical, head & neck, and colorectal cancer are the most common cancers in Indians. On World Cancer Day, everyone comes together with the hopes of making the world a better and healthier place free of this deadly disease. Numerous events are scheduled for this day, with the goal of educating and raising awareness about cancer, including early detection, treatment, and more.

Theme for World Cancer Day 2022

The theme this year for World Cancer Day is ‘Close the Care Gap’

The focus of the theme is on finding and addressing global inequities in cancer care, which restrict people from specific socioeconomic groups from having full access to key healthcare services and facilities.

This is the year to challenge the existing quo and work to decrease stigma; to listen to the perspectives of cancer patients and their communities, and to let those lived experiences drive our thoughts and actions.

SPARSH Group of Hospitals ensures that cancer care is provided at the greatest level possible at an affordable price.

How SPARSH Group is Participating

As part of the SPARSH Cancer Hospital initiative, we are committed to nurturing, promoting, and funding diversity in cancer care treatment and research.

SPARSH is also committed to promoting health equity for all by educating and empowering at-risk cancer patients with trusted information about cancer treatment options and how to access them.

Amidst the height of the Pandemic, we at SPARSH Group of Hospitals, have all subspecialties functioning fully with appropriate COVID care precautions. We have a backup team of pulmonologists and intensivists for cancer patients with COVID.

Cancer care at SPARSH Hospital

With support of all concerned subspecialties, SPARSH has a team of cancer specialists in Medical oncology, Surgical oncology, Radiation oncology, Pain and Palliative care specialists, Haematologists, Oncopathology and concerned teams.

SPARSH provides modern diagnostic services, treatment and care for cancer and believes that every cancer is different and hence, specialised treatment is necessary to be provided for each of the patients. Our multidisciplinary team (MDT) of clinicians discuss each case individually and come to a conclusion for appropriate protocol.

From all of us at SPARSH, we would urge everyone to live a healthier lifestyle so as to minimise the risks of such diseases. We also hope that each and everyone of you would be compassionate enough towards the patients and the families of the ones suffering with this disease.

Categories: Oncology

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