There are at least 77 million people with diabetes in India, and an equal number are expected to be living with pre-diabetes, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)’s 2021 review Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes in India. In fact, approximately 25 per cent of the people with pre-diabetes will progress to overt type 2 diabetes within 3–5 years, notes NCBI’s 2019 review Global epidemiology of pre-diabetes – present and future perspectives.
For the unversed, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes is a medical condition where the blood sugar level is elevated but is not as high as in diabetes. This is why, experts stress the need for clasping pre-diabetes to ease the burden of this metabolic disease that is now being detected even in teens and people in their twenties, especially in the post-Covid world, owing to preventive screenings, experts note.
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