“I wish to convey how impressed I am by the organisation and ethos of your hospital. I found everyone — from housekeeping staff to nurses and doctors — cheerful, helpful, and attentive. Rajesh and Lakshmi (housekeeping) went beyond their call to be available and to assist quickly and happily. Maya and Prema stood out with their competence, quick response and attention. They were ably assisted by their team of nursing staff. And of course your doctors, especially Dr. Shashikanth, were knowledgeable and helped with interventions when needed. Ms. Shetty was always available to help iron out any wrinkles and assist with information and advice. Always prompt and caring. I cannot help but marvel at the effective and compassionate organisation you have built.”
November 18, 2020
Unlock the door to exceptional healthcare, book an appointment with SPARSH Hospital and let your journey to wellness begin.